The basic tools required to fuel economic growth:
funding, vision, and ‘political will’ - when coupled with long-term strategic objectives and transparency - bring about dynamic outcomes. But nations, communities and organizations impacted by dynamic change also require a unique perspective on risk.
Credibility and accountability are frequently challenged during policy re-engineering efforts. Procurement procedures; funding decisions and expenditures; local labor and business participation; anti-corruption practices and safeguards; building codes and cyber-security, all must stand up to scrutiny and remain transparent over long periods of time.
In response to these challenges, LandAir is proud to launch the “True North” approach to offer clients the power of the knowledge and experience of our team of professionals who each bring decades of ‘real world’ experience to coalesce government, non-profit and private sector points of view. Our goal? Let’s work together, to benefit the public and protect its resources for the next generation.
The LA True North team is thoroughly comfortable working on high profile, politically sensitive
projects involving the highest degree of confidentiality and public accountability.
Our True North team leaders want to help you identify and assess the vulnerability of your organization’s existing processes to risk - or to criticism- so you can manage the unique risks that arise from Investment, Growth, and Change with confidence.
Risk Assessment and Solutions
Integrity Monitoring
Compliance Strategies
Dispute and Conflict Resolution
Owners Representation
Site Safety
Security Training
Fraud Investigation
Cyber security
Market Sectors
Government Agencies
Quasi- Governmental Authorities
Public Benefit Corporations
Non-Government Organizations
Not-for-Profit and Private Institutions
Public Sector Investors